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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Profile Question

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For years I have always had my blades profiled to 9' on center when ever I purchesed new skates. This time with my Vapor XXXX I did not. I know they come with LS2 blades which have a 9' radius already but am concerned if they are on center. I am skating very well on these and think these are great skates. Just wanted to know if the Tuuk LS2 comes from the factory ground on center (accuratly) or if you think touching up with a profile job is in order.


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General consensus from the sharpening guys is that the blades on all new skates can be out of spec.

They recommend that if the standard profile is what you like, then that should still be "blueprinted".

Before someone screams that this is just a money grab, in my experience, I have never been charged for a profile when I have bought new skates.

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I had a hell of a gash in my right skate...and they had to cross grind it to get to good steel to sharpen. He said he would probably have to take 2mm off the blade.

How good a skater do you have to be to notice a 2mm difference?

And...What are the chances that the profile on that skate (11' +1) has been screwed up?

This is all assuming that the guy that did them knew what he was doing *L*

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