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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Weight Question

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So I have a pair of Mission Soldier SE's which weigh 1341 grams. They feel a bit clunky to me as I am a small guy and would prefer a lighter skate. So I was looking at some of the lighter skates and looked at some ice skates. I saw the Easton S5's were only 893 grams. Now, my question is, if I was to put a magnesium chassis on this skate with wheels, about how much would it weigh? Also, would I be able to feel this difference in weight or would it really be negligible? Lastly, in terms of the actual boot, is it a big step down when going from the Soldier SE's to the S5's? Thanks in advance!

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