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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fitting Vaughns

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I'm trying to help out a local kid pick out some leg pads..he's pretty set on Vaughns..I'm aware of the shrinkage issue with them, so when he finds the size he wants, what size should he actually get to accommodate that shrinking? Is one whole size overkill or can Vaughn do Half sizes? He is heading to a shop this weekend, and I did get him to bring his skates along. What other things should he be looking for?

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It depends which Vaughn pads he's looking at. Some of the new Velocities are of a different construction that eliminates (almost completely) the issue of shrinkage at the knee and ankle-break, at the cost of some flexibility throughout the pad.

As a rule, Velocity pads can shrink between 1" and 2" in total height, split about evenly above and below the knee: the most he'd want is 1" oversize in the base measurement and 1" oversize on the thigh, eg. a 35+2 instead of a 34+1.

Vaughn can certainly do half-inch sizing both on the base measurement and on the thigh-rise.

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I tried the Smith route..doesn't look like he's going to change his mind...

Law..which models specifically have upgraded the shrinkage issues?

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The V4 and the 7400, as far as I know; given that it's in the V4, I would expect most of Vaughn's new pads to follow this construction.

I would hesitate to say it's an unqualified 'upgrade' - they may not feel or play like the older Velocity designs, depending on how they're used.

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