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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I played football (outside corner) and baseball (catcher) and more recently, roller hockey. I've seen and used protective equipment all of my sports life. If I played golf, everyone else would need it. So, I get to see everything out there at Vegas each year, and try on stuff and do the same at LHSs every time I go in one.

Because of the way I am, I've always looked at the way things were made and, because of the level of the high school football, the equipment was pro level. I had a "Thorax" girdle in 1963, and I use the current one , now. So, though I'm not a top player, hahahaha, I do know what's good and what feels good on me. And what one or two things make something better for me.

After a lot of looking at elbows and owing two pairs I bought cause they fit and they were in the bargin bucket, I finally bought what I wanted all along, NBH Supreme 70s. For my skinny bones, they were the lightest (budget), most articulated, most comfortable I could find. The killer being the comfort and wrap all tied together with the Anchor Strap, which ain't a strap at all, but a wide stretchy band across your forearm that is invisable to me and keeps them firm and not there.

Finally we get to the shins. The 70s were and continue to be so good that I went directly over to Vapor XXV (budget) shins, which have the Anchor Strap also. And they are asymetrical left and right shin in the hard part as opposed to the soft part, only, so the strap works even better. They are secure and invisable when I'm playing and don't leave strap burn on my legs. No tape. And, in the short time between the elbows and the shins, the shins end up weighing the same as the elbows. If I had to get shoulder pads, I'd check mates to the elbows and shins. Sold on them.

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