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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro Hockey Shops In Ottawa..? (moving and need a store)

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Hello All,

I've been reading on MSH for almost a year - love the chatter and insight. Wondering about pro shops in Ottawa/Nepean/Kanata? I'm moving in a month or so - just in time for summer hockey...but, I don't have a place to find a good sharpen or pro return sticks.

Any help would be awesome.

Thanks for the time.

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I don't live in the west end, but I know of Play it Again Sports (the Kanata location has a good selection of pro return stuff if I remember correctly) and Pro Hockey Life in Kanata; Valiquette Source for Sports on Carling Ave., the Sens store at Scotiabank place usually has Sens pro return sticks. There's Sport Chek, etc. everywhere. I'm sure there's more out there, but that's what I remember.

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yup, viking just about nailed everything that's in the ottawa area for stores. If your looking for a good sharpen, usually play it again in kanata does a good job and also ryan in pro hockey life in kanata, does a really good job.

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