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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bearing/Spacer Clicking

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I put Bones Reds in my skates and now it seems like the wheels have a very very small amount of play and sometimes you can hear them make a clicking noise on hard stops/turns etc.

Has anyone else had this problem? Does it matter at all?

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I put Bones Reds in my skates and now it seems like the wheels have a very very small amount of play and sometimes you can hear them make a clicking noise on hard stops/turns etc.

Has anyone else had this problem? Does it matter at all?

It's caused by the space between the bearings being a little less than the length of the bearing spacers, so that only one bearing can properly seat at a time. If you have floating spacers, you can sand each one shorter until it stops. If you have the long .25" axle spacers you can't adjust them. Sometimes these spacers are a touch too long on the ends and cause trouble like flairing out so you can't get them out of the bearing. It will eventually stretch the bearing seats and the wheel will start getting loose and lose performance and life.

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Yikes, well I really appreciate your insight. Not sure how people make this bearings work then?

I don't really have a choice but to use a long sleeved 6mm spacer.

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Yikes, well I really appreciate your insight. Not sure how people make this bearings work then?

I don't really have a choice but to use a long sleeved 6mm spacer.

I've used paper shims under one or both bearings and it worked for a while. Just the opposite of shortening the spacer. Computer paper or paper plate, depending on the slop.

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