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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Supreme One80 Skates

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Just picked up a pair yesterday. Had Vapor 5.0 and One80's on each foot at the LHS. I'm coming from a pair of Vapor XX's. The 5.0 didn't feel much different than my XX's and the One80s felt better all around, except in the ankle area. LHS guy said lots of guys switching from Vapor have issues. I put in a pair of yellow SuperFeet (had Grey SF in my XX's) and it raised my ankle just enough to feel better.

First skate today and it felt really good, even with the different geometry, I was able to adjust quickly. I did however get two hot spots on the inside of each foot about an inch below the ankle (and a touch forward of the ankle). I presume this is coming from where the large ankle pads begin to protrude out... Any fixes other than letting them break in and building up some callousnes?


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...Did you get them baked? Do you wear thin socks when skating?

If neither of those solve your problem, try getting that area punched out fi it really bothers you.

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Baked, yes. I had them baked with the Yellow SF and I brought my Vapor skate socks. I have a game Tuesday night, I'll gauge it after that.

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so after 2 games and 2 public skates, no more ankle pain. But now I feel like they are a tad loose. I did crank them down at the public skate today. I'm wondering if I should have been put in a 10 D? When I went to the LHS I told the guy I was in Vapor XX's 10 EE. so he brought out the x 5.0 and the One80 both in E. After reading some other threads maybe I should have asked to try on the One80 10 D. Thoughts?

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