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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How come the puck flutters when I shoot via ice than concrete?

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my shots come out perfect while shooting off this pad, but as soon as I get on Ice they immediately flutter.

Jarrick is on to the problem. It has to do with the additional friction of the concrete.

Spin is created when the puck rolls down your blade as you release the shot. Your blade is staying closed longer when you are shooting on the concrete - this causes the puck to roll down the blade late in your release.

Remember, you want your blade to be closed during your sweep (this keeps the puck towards the heel of the blade). Then it will open at the release, and the close again on the follow through. Say to yourself, "closed - open - close".

When you get to the ice, the blade slides so easily, you are likely getting the blade out in front of your hands slightly, and opening the blade. This allows the puck to move to the toe of the blade too early, and it makes it difficult to follow through.

Try shooting on ice at about half speed against the boards. Start with the puck on the heel of your stick, don't reach too far back as you must have good balance while you shoot. Sweep the puck with the blade closed as long as possible...then open to release, then close the blade on follow through finishing with the blade pointed at your target.

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