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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Hockey Lanes

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Yeah I take my daughter there quite a bit. She had a couple of shooting practises there with her team during the season and I recently signed her up for a summer membership so she can work on her shooting some more during the off season.

They have a small rink and 5 shooting lanes on the artificial plastic ice. They also have an endless ice skating treadmill.

The only downside is if you go during really hot weather, there is no AC so it can get a little warm in there if you are skating in full equipment on the main rink. Right now its fine though.

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that does sound cool.

what are the prices?

I think it's around $15 to use the shooting lanes for half an hour and $45/hr for the treadmill.

I signed her up last week for a summer membership that they have on special right now. $100 inc tax for unlimited use of the shooting lanes all summer, discounted $30/hr on the treadmill, plus a free 1-on-1 shooting lesson and skill assessment.

Don't plan on using the treadmill much, maybe once or twice late in the summer before her team training camp starts, but I think she'll really benefit from plenty of shooting and practise stickhandling around the net.

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