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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Grafs with Lightspeeds

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I've recently put Lightspeeds on my 609's. Originally my left heel had a rattle, I took it back, had'em fix it up. They took the holder off, did whatever and the rattle stopped. Now after one skate my right skate is rattling at the heel. I figured, as I was advised, drilling would be the best solution. I plan to do it this weekend as I hope to have a little spare time. Is there any pictures or anything for some guidlines? The reason I will have to drill is because the screw to tighten the blade (although it is not loose) is inside of the holder, since these are Graf boots there is no hole to go through in the skates. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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get rid of the grafs and buy missions... take my word for it...


The Grafs has been great for me to be honest. I'd be very skeptical switching from a boot other than the 609 because it fits my foot so well (obviously the 709 would also be a consideration), I was shocked to read about comments when that happened. I am switched over to Mission rollerblades again (from Hi-Ho's) hopefully this summer, and love their customer service. However I have to no reason to switch over as of right now, my boots are fine, I am broke and I love this combo. Mission skates are good, and I've dealt with their CS first hand when they were just a small in-line company, at least around here. I'm glad to hear and see they have kept it up through all of the years. Just so there is an idea I've worn Mission roller all of my life, I started in-line with a pair of (v?) and that was a year before their ice line came out. I switched to the Hi-Ho's this year, good skate, but the fit isn't for me, but now were getting off track. I'm glad you were compensated for your misfortune, it's good to see there are still good people in the hockey world.

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