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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taking care of new gear and Smith knee pads

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So I'm getting my new Smith gear today and had two questions:

1) Whats the best way to prolong the life of the equipment? My older gloves stiffen up when they dry and it's annoying to have to soften them up before playing.

2) What about the Smith knee pad issue? I heard you could wear compressions pants and have the knee guards over that, does that work? With me, if I wear the knee pads on my skin, they tore up my knee whereas if I wear them above my socks, they move around too much.


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In terms of prolonging the life of equipment, just treat them well. I dry my equipment in from of a fan after I play and I keep the door open to get the circulation going. The gloves you just have to make sure its dried nicely. I used to wipe it down after games, but it became too much of a hassle. They are going to get crusty to a certain extent but its not that bad if you dry everything out thoroughly.

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In terms of prolonging the life of equipment, just treat them well. I dry my equipment in from of a fan after I play and I keep the door open to get the circulation going. The gloves you just have to make sure its dried nicely. I used to wipe it down after games, but it became too much of a hassle. They are going to get crusty to a certain extent but its not that bad if you dry everything out thoroughly.

Just echoing above, drying makes a huge difference. I also prop open all the flaps on my glove to help circulation.

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So what have you guys done to improve the knee pads? the straps on my get caught inthe back of my knee and open up the wings on the knee pads which is kind of annoying. I got the compression pants which are a huge help.

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