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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sizing help

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Hey guys im gunna be playing some house ice this summer, ive been playing roller sice i was 6 and i play aa/aaa for roller. the last time i played ice was 3years ago, so all my ice stuff is to small

Skates;i wear a size 10 in nike shoes(but my 9.5 mission boss blacks feel bigger tha my shoe size) i want to get the right size for ice, i dont want to feel like my feet are tripping over eachother. and any advice on any models?

Pants;i wear a small in mission sr. but after those being washed a few times there about to small. im only about 5'6 and 130lbs. i just want to get the right fit for ice

and shoulder pads, im confused. some companys pads seem bigger or smaller compares to others. like i said im 5'6 130lbs and 14yrs old. pls help me with the sizing,

Thanks for all help!!!!

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Dude, its gonna be a real crap shoot trying to fit you from www land. Find a good LHS that will spend some time with you, try on a bunch of stuff, and fine out what works. No one can make any good recommendations based on that little bit of information.

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I ordered my skates online when I first started playing ice-big mistake, I functionally wasted 200 bucks. It's worth the drive to a hockey shop to get fitted correctly-especially with the skates.

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My nearest LHS is 90 minutes away too. And yet still, every time I order something online I end up wasting more money than if I had just made the drive and bought the right thing the first time. Learned that lesson enough times. Now I just wait until I have a free Saturday, make the drive, and enjoy the day at the shop.

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