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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I am located in Canada, and i'm thinking about getting one of the 420 flex 1100 shafts from these guys, but I read this on their site:

"The freight for all international orders are a minimum of $45 and they usually take at least one week to arrive at their destination."

Does this mean that the order itself has to be over $45, or do they actually charge $45 USD for shipping? Does anyone from Canada have experience buying from this site, especially sticks/shafts? If they do actually charge that much, i'm definitely going to have to pass.

On a side note, does anyone know what the finish is on the 420 flex 1100 shafts?

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my last purchase from them was a sicore. it came up to like 290 canadian. then i got 50 dollar duty fee. its not 45 for shipping.

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Damn, so I guess they use UPS exclusively for shipping to Canada. I don't want to pay those damn brokerage fees, i've already been burned a couple times by those.

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Almost all of the larger online retailers use UPS to ship to Canada. It's just not worth it in the end.

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well you could see if you could get one of the cool people from USA to buy it, then you pay 'em back

I'm from Canada btw...and I've thought about it...

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There may be duty on these sticks if they are made offshore....If they were made in the USA..then the Nafta agreement should mean no duty. The problem happens when an importer has already paid the duty to get them into the USA, but when they go to Canada..the Canadian duty regulations still apply because hockey sticks are also made in Canada. So in effect when a Canadian player buys a stick made offshore from the USA, they end up paying duty twice.

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Talk to them and see if they can ship via USPS. I used to buy a lot of stuff from the states (golf clubs) and I've learned my lesson. I've once paid almost 90 cdn duty + brokeage fee (UPS) for a single golf club. If you buy from the States, make sure the shipping IS NOT via UPS. USPS charges far less and I will only buy from US if the retailer is willing to shipping anything but UPS

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