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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates left in the sun and became pretty hot.

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Like the title says, I forgot my gear in the sun for a long time this afternoon. When I got home and realized my mistake I found that the toe cap on both skates was "untouchably" hot. I immediately took them inside and placed them in front of a fan to cool down. After they cooled I did an inspection and didn't find any "soft spots" in the quarter panel or anything that looked like the skates were going to fall apart. The quarter panels were hot, but not bad....I would say the temperature would have been comparable to maybe baking temperature. The only part I am REALLY worried about is the toe cap. What do you guys who are in the know about equipment think I should check? Do you think I have a lot to worry about in terms of the skates "blowing up" on my during use. I do have a game in about 20 hours so I think that might be enough time for any glue to settle. But I am just concerned because I really love these skates (Vapor XXXX's).

So what do you guys think? Big deal? or no big deal?

And also, this can count as a public service announcement seeing as we are getting into the summer months and the temptation to air out gear outside will become the norm. Be careful where you put your stuff! :wink:

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i think you will be ok. i left my u's out for a few hours in 100 degree weather. they got really soft but i skated in them the next morning and felt fine and still felt baked to my foot

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I think you will be ok. Not Vapor XXXXs, but I have a pair of One95s that I have baked over 8 times, no problems at all. I would think the toe cap would be alright as well, it would have to be pretty hot to melt that plastic.

One thing I found out the hard way about leaving gear out in the sun: It can lighten certain colors, if you let stuff sit out long enough. Now I bring in the nice gear once it's dry, instead of letting it bake outside for hours.

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