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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tour Hockey ZT660 vs Reebok 3K Youth

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I am looking at buying new ice hockey skates for my cousin, but can't decide between Tour Hockey ZT660 and Reebok 3K Youth. I don't know much about ice hockey skates, so I need your advice to get the best one. Well, both of them are available at http://www.dealrocker.com with good discounts. If you have any better recommendation for young skater, please let me know. BTW my budget is under $70.

Any advice and recommendations are welcome.

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You didn't give us much to work with. My advice, but there are lots of guys here with better ones, is to look for 1, 2 or even 3 genrations ago of skates, older models at lower prices. What I can tell you about hockey skates is that you get what you paid for and the best deal, with bauer at least, is the first model down the top of the line. Now for your kind of cash, I don't see how you could get a quality product from the new lines, so your best bet is to look for much older models. Hope this helps

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