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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf Custom Options

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Background: I'm in Graf Ultra G7. I love the skates (especially the combination of lower stiffness and ankle flexibility), but I want them tweaked in a number of ways if possible. So, that would mean going the custom route. For anybody in the know, does Graf's custom program include the following possibilities on these skates?

Heel: narrower (Y/N?)

Heel/Backstay shape: more pronounced (Y/N?)

Depth: deeper (Y/N?)


P.S. - I know another skate may get me most of the way there, but nothing else has the ankle flex I love in the G7, so I'm not looking at another skate right now.

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Background: I'm in Graf Ultra G7. I love the skates (especially the combination of lower stiffness and ankle flexibility), but I want them tweaked in a number of ways if possible. So, that would mean going the custom route. For anybody in the know, does Graf's custom program include the following possibilities on these skates?

Heel: narrower (Y/N?)

Heel/Backstay shape: more pronounced (Y/N?)

Depth: deeper (Y/N?)


P.S. - I know another skate may get me most of the way there, but nothing else has the ankle flex I love in the G7, so I'm not looking at another skate right now.

Yes, Yes and Yes. They should be able to make the boot exactly how you want it. You need to talk to your LHS. If they don't know anything, have them talk their graf rep. Custom graf's do get pricey fast.

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Speaking as the guy who used to build skates for Graf's custom NHL clients, yes, Graf can do (or could do) that. I'm not sure what's up with them since I left, but if you are really invested, they can (probably) help you out. But, the G7s I built for myself are nothing compared to my new X:60s, so I could care less :D

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