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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey & medical insurance

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Hi guys. Question for anyone who has used their private medical insurance to treat a hockey injury.

Basically, at the end of the season (stopped training at the end of June) I was experiencing lower back pain around the last 10 minutes of training.

Now that training is finished I have been going to the gym to continue my cardio (X-trainer/Row/stepper)throughout July doing 3-4 nights a week along with some light weights and the dull aching pain has returned that I was experiencing on the ice.

I know that the back pain can be something to do with poor hip movement when skating and I think I've caused further damage in the gym.

Been thinking about visiting a physio but why pay when I already have private medical insurance in the UK.

The only thing I'm worried about is when I was reading my policy they will not pay if I have been injured from extreme sports or Winter sports of any kind. Is hockey classed as a winter sport? I guess it's played at the winter olympics

So do I just tell my medical insurance guys I've hurt my back in the gym? Hopefully get some physio sessions

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Hurt your back at the gym, yep. Hey, for all you know, you might have hurt it moving the wrong way getting out of bed. Don't make it more complicated than it has to be - just tell 'em it hurts, has for however long, and you're not sure how it started.

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