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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I/D League Goalie Needed in DFW

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I'm looking for an I/D league level goalie for an I league team at Nytex. Most games are on Saturdays but may have a weeknight game during the Brahmas season. At this point I'm more concerned with reliability than skill level. Anyone interested can call or text me at 817-915-1576.

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I'm looking for an I/D league level goalie for an I league team at Nytex. Most games are on Saturdays but may have a weeknight game during the Brahmas season. At this point I'm more concerned with reliability than skill level. Anyone interested can call or text me at 817-915-1576.

I know some goalies of that skill level, I will see if any are interested.

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