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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hockeymonkey.com! how good are they at sending something such as skates to scotland???

i dont want to get hit with a charge from customs and stuff and i was just wondering if anyone knows about this sort of thing! any help would be well appreciated!


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Hi Mick,

I've used them before and they are very good. I bet they could send your skates to Scotland. I would give them a call; their customer service is very helpful. For example, once I called and ordered something that was actually out of stock. They called me three times and emailed me so in order to notify me and then they helped me pick a similar product. Definitely give them a call.

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Sorry to say it, Mick, but you will get nailed. There's nothing HM or any other store can do. It could just be VAT + 8 quid, or the item could have anything from a 1% to a 100% duty applied ON TOP of VAT + 8.

OK, just looked it up for you, and if they are declared and accepted at customs as "ice skates" (Commodity code: 9506 70 10 00) or "ice skate accessories" (9506 70 90 00), you'll only pay VAT + 8. If they are declared or accepted as "articles and equipment for other sports -- other" (9506 99 90 00 or 9506 91 10 90 or 9506 91 90 00), you'll get VAT + 2.7% + 8.

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