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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Going to a "Used Sale"

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What should I look for in a Set of pads? I'm assuming that the gear will be worn out for the most part, but if I can score a set of pads, blocker and catcher for messing around with friends at the pond for $100, should I pull the trigger?

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What should I look for in a Set of pads? I'm assuming that the gear will be worn out for the most part, but if I can score a set of pads, blocker and catcher for messing around with friends at the pond for $100, should I pull the trigger?

For $100, you're either buying very heavily used gear, or you're getting a stupendous deal.

Ideally, make sure the medial surfaces of the pad are in good condition, that is, anything along the inside of your leg in your stance, which will face the ice in the butterfly: the knee-wing, the calf-wing, the inside edge (or gusset) of the pad, and especially the inside edge of the boot, which is the part that rubs most on the ice. Odds are that none of these will b in great condition on a very well used pad, but to a large extent, their condition *is* the condition of the pad as a whole, since the vast majority of wear occurs in those limited areas.

Gloves are gloves: as long as they fit, don't smell, and aren't suffering major structural problems, they're fine.

The 3mm lacing that runs around the perimeter of a glove is relatively easy to replace, and is almost always the first place to show wear.

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