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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inline Puck

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Hi guys,

I run Inline hockey camps in the UK.

I need some new pucks and I want to deal with these puck companies directly.

I searched all over the web and I couldn't find any websites for these people.

If anyone can help me contact these guys directly it would be a big help.

I am looking to contact:

Rocket Puck



If any reps from these companies are online then my email address is rob@yghclinics.com


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For Rocket Pucks - http://www.rocketpuck.com

Contact information on their site:

-Phone: 1-800-965-RINK

-Email: info@rocketpuck.com

-Address: 521 Hidden Ridge Ct, Encinitas, CA 92024

Or just get in contact with Daryn Goodwin

At one time I know they were running a deal on pucks where you bought 50 or something like that from them directly discounted.

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IDS' website used to be www.idshockey.com but it is no longer working. Ideal Design Sports Inc. is registered at P.O. Box 910, Lomita, CA, 90717, but the domain registrant (and the patent holder for the puck design) is:

Carl W. Lekavich idsco@concentric.net

1826 W. 213 St.

Torrance, CA 90501



Maybe you could try your luck with that email adress, also a lot of online stores offer bulk discounts...

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