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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shops in Gothenburgh, Sweden

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There are several shops in the Göteborg area. Big sport companies like Stadium, Team Sportia and Intersport (this one perhaps less) tend to have hockey material.

Notice, however, that not all the shops carry hockey equipment. For example, for the largest stock of hockey material among the Stadiums, visit Stadium XXL (in Sisjön).

The one in Hjalmar Brantingsplatsen also carries a lot of stuff. The Team Sportia in Backa 3 carries the largest amount of sticks. Intersport tends to carry smaller quantities of hockey gear.

Also, there are two pro shops (small shops essentially only dedicated to hockey). "Murbecks Cykel and Hockey" in Radiotorget is a must visit. Definitely try their sharpening. Also there is "Pro Shop" in Backa (hard to get to without a car, but can be done with the bus) which specialises in hockey gear.

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