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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Helmet foam came off...what to do?

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I just bought a Hackva helmet this past christmas and its been working fine until this past weekend where the foam padding on the left side came off. The glue remains intact on the foam itself and there is none located on the inside of the helmet. What should I do? Should I try to melt the glue and re attach it? Should I scrape it off and use another type? Should I send it back for repair? I mean, if were to do that, Id be out of play until it came back. Thanks.

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Contact Gabe. He'll be able tell you exactly how to reattach the foam.

Obviously, you could send him the mask, but my guess is you'll have no difficulty remedying it yourself with a little advice from the maker, and that said method will have zero impact on its safety or its certification status (which are two totally unrelated things, since certification has nothing to do with safety).

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Contact Gabe. He'll be able tell you exactly how to reattach the foam.

Obviously, you could send him the mask, but my guess is you'll have no difficulty remedying it yourself with a little advice from the maker, and that said method will have zero impact on its safety or its certification status (which are two totally unrelated things, since certification has nothing to do with safety).

Law...Thanks for your quick reply. Who is Gabe? And how do I go about contacting him?

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Er, sorry.

Gabe Hackman is the guy who makes Hackva masks. You'll find the factory contact information on the Hackva website, both email and phone, and he's renowned for his customer service.

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Er, sorry.

Gabe Hackman is the guy who makes Hackva masks. You'll find the factory contact information on the Hackva website, both email and phone, and he's renowned for his customer service.

Thanks Law. I will do just that.

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I use contact cement, the red label kind. Smell will take at least a few days to wear out. Apply to both sides, wait 10 - 20 seconds, then press together.

Just in case call Hackva first, either Gabe or Cindy (his mother) are great folks.

Thanks Law. I will do just that.

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