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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Winter In-line

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I'm looking for a league to play in. It seems my ice options are slowly coming to a close. If anyone knows of a winter in-line league (18+) in the GTA are I'd love to hear about it. Preferable around Hamilton/ Mississauga area.

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Sorry, you probably know as well as anyone in the GTA that Inline is not big here (esp. in the winter)...ice is what it's all about...if you're still looking for a place to play ice, you can still join the leagues at Canlan Ice...they'll take stragglers I think, or just round up a buncha buddies and rent some ice time.

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I've actually done some hard research and found one league. Only problem is that its an hour and a half drive for me. That's just a little much with my inconsistent schedule. I've got an ice league lined up starting in January and have a back-up as well, but I just thought In-line would be more enjoyable. Seems there are more perks to playing non-contact mens leauge roller than the same level for ice.

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