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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Glue

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I've had my 60s about 6-7 months and recently I noticed the toe cap is separting from the boot and sole of the skate.

I've heard from a few people and pro shops that this is a pretty common problem on the 60s, also when I asked about repairing the problem they all said it can be reglued.

My question is what type of glue is used to repair this problem? Obviously Bauer missed something when making these skates, but I'd like to be able to repair these and not have to junk a pair of good skates.

Thanks for any input.


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I'm not so much worried about the toe cap coming off as I am it moving around all over the place, one its glued back in place everything will be fine.

I'm going to run to the shoe repair in a bit and see what he thinks about it.

The hot melt doesnt sound like a bad idea, I have some industrial strength glue that is applied similiar to craft hot glue, but is way stickier and bond forever.


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