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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates dig into ankle, bad pain

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So I managed to pick up a pretty good pair of Easton S12 skates after my XXXX took a crap and I had to sell them. I got a heel lift put into them so that I would skate with a bigger lean and Im loving the skates so far, BUT, there is a really bad ankle pain on the outside part of my skate when I push in.

The skate digs into the top part of my ankle and it leaves a pretty nasty chaffing/bleeding on the outside part of my ankle, always on the same area. It seems to happen when i take a stride that the top of the skate boot on the side digs into my skin. Any ideas how to stop this?

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So I managed to pick up a pretty good pair of Easton S12 skates after my XXXX took a crap and I had to sell them. I got a heel lift put into them so that I would skate with a bigger lean and Im loving the skates so far, BUT, there is a really bad ankle pain on the outside part of my skate when I push in.

The skate digs into the top part of my ankle and it leaves a pretty nasty chaffing/bleeding on the outside part of my ankle, always on the same area. It seems to happen when i take a stride that the top of the skate boot on the side digs into my skin. Any ideas how to stop this?

Same thing happens to me, Ive tryed wearing like really long thin socks that are like knee socks. It helps a little

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Bunga Pads.

i feel your pain, ultimately i ditched my old 9ks and got a lower cut skate (one95s) since my previous skate to that was pureflys/s500

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I have that problem as well. The skate now digs into my scar/plate on my ankle and it doesn't feel good at all. I cut up a Dr. Scholls insole and place it in my ankle brace and it doesn't move. The skate presses against that area and I feel nothing. :)

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I had the same thing with my X:60s when I first got them. I was going to try Bunga pads, but then got impatient and went back to the store to see what they could do. They carefully punched the area that was causing the pain. Now there is no pain!

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