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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Alternate Sites for Fantasy Hockey

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Has anyone used sites other than Yahoo for Fantasy Hockey? If so, what do some of these sites offer that Yahoo doesn't? I am running a league again this year for some friends and I have always used Yahoo, but thought maybe there might be some better setups out there. Are there any places that allow you to weight categories differently? For example, everyone complained last year that certain categories should carry more pts than some other categories (i.e., goals count more than assists or say face-off wins).

Also, one general question, because I am not really familiar with it, but how does Rotisierrie work? Is it better than head-to-head? When might it be a better setup than head-to-head?

Thanks guys.


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My league uses CBS Sportsline and I have to say it's not bad at all.

Louie - are there any major differences between CBS Sportsline and Yahoo? I have only used CBS for my March Madness tourneys.

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Louie - are there any major differences between CBS Sportsline and Yahoo? I have only used CBS for my March Madness tourneys.

So I settled on ESPN bc it had the options I wanted. A lot of guys in the league cant devote the time so we are switching to weekly lineup changes. Now this is the first time I have used this format, so is it pointless to a)have waivers for add/drop and b) limit the number of acquistions y9ou can make per matchup since you can only change lineups at the beginning of each week?

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