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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shin pads of old

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I recently bought shin guard. Actually, two pairs in a span of 4 months. They were replacing Itech SG655 if memory serves me right. I had bought these pads in the late 90's or early 2000. At the time, not knowing how to size pads, I had purchased 16 inch shin pads and have used them up to now. Now, I had Mission Fuel 90s that I had bought about 4 months ago. I ended up not liking them much as I thought they were too slim and thought they did not offer enough protection after all. I was pretty sure I had purchased 15s and decided to go back to my LHS and buy some CCM V10. While at the store if decided to buy 16s as I thought they fitted quite well although I hadn't tried them with my skates on. I was actually hoping that they'd be as long as my Itechs which by today's standards were too long. My Itechs go down to the top of my foot when in skates. Way back then I didn't know any better and got used to it so I bought 16s hoping they would fit the same with my skates on.

So I get back home and realize that my Missions were also 16s so I measure them and the CCMs together and they are pretty much the same lenght give or take 1/8 of inch. So I put them next to my Itech and the Itechs are something like almost 2 inches longer.

Turns out my CCM fit perfectly, the way they should fit actually but was wondering, were all the pads back then made longer than they are today or was it only a Itech problem or perhaps they were 17s but they misprinted the size on the shin pads.

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