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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My Mission frames cracked, are 2005s out yet?

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So, I got some new bearings and wheels to fix up my Missions today. They are some Proto VSis that I've had, but haven't been cleaning them as I haven't played in a few years due to being sick.

So, imagine my surprise to see that the frames are broken in 3 places. The left frame has both breaks on the 2 front-left pieces that go towards the boot, so there's some flexing going on there.

I didn't want to buy new skates right now (other things taking my money), but I don't want to keep skating on frames like this.

Sooooo ... I haven't seen anything stating that the new Missions are out (specifically the 950), so didn't know if they were available yet. In my town (Richmond, VA) there really aren't any stores that sell much inline stuff. Usually lower-end equipment.

Are the new Missions out yet? Any reviews or thoughts on them from people using them? Can I skate on my current frame long enough to not worry about my games coming up?

I was being a good boy by not just spending the money on new skates, and rehabbing the wheels and bearings, but now it looks like I have to do it anyway. Any info on the new skates would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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VSIs which year, which type of chassis? Generator 2000, Generator pre-2000,

Vibe, Carbon? The Generators are pretty much tanks. I've bent mine because

of a stripped bolt (super light but not durable "turquoise" bolts) on the front

wheel, Mission warranted it, but otherwise not a single problem for 4 years. If

they are Generators, I'm very surprised.

The new He950 and He750 appear to be out in one to three weeks. Hockey Giant

website says shipping within 7-20 days. Both look like excellent skates, with

outstanding chassis. You may also buy replacement chassis instead.

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Generator Pro Team frame is what it says, year was maybe 2000 or so. I don't remember exactly.

Too bad I hadn't skated on them more often back then, and didn't have to stop playing, if it was a fluky problem that was going to show up eventually.

Who sells the frame only, and how would I get it mounted?

Thanks for the time frame on the new ones, just long enough to have to skate several more games before they are available. I guess I'll just have to put on the new wheels and bearings and deal with it util the skates are available. In my area (Richmond, VA), I don't know if anyone will be carrying the 950 (maybe not even the 750), so I hope the online places ge plenty in stock.


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Thanks for the chassis info. I looked at epuck and saw that they have axles for the 1998 and 1999 Generator Pro Team chassis, so maybe my skates are from 1999. Wow, didn't realize it had been that long. (Seems to be true, as the Wicked Lights are listed as from 2000 and 2001, which came out after I got my current ones and made me want the Wicked Lights). I'm getting too old, my memory is going!

I just need to find someone that can mount any new frames that I get. Makes me want to hold out for the new skates, since my are older and I'd have to spend a bit in a new chassis/wheels/bearings/mounting anyway. Hmmm....

Anyone know of someplace near Richmond, VA that would mount a chassis?

UPDATE - I just called a local store and was very surprised to hear that they had gotten in some 950s today, and one in my size. I've got it reserver until I can go by tonight to take a peek at it, so maybe I can get them after all. He said that they can be baked so it will fit better, as my first game is this Saturday, and another one Monday).

I appreciate the info on the chassis, and the PMs about ones that people had, but if I can get some new skates the cost should work out better anyway.

Now, back to lurking mode.

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Well, I went by the local store this evening and they had lots of new Mission gear in from a shipment today. I tried the skates on and they felt great. Very light and smooth. I ended up getting them, then getting them baked, so I could use them Saturday.

I guess I kind of got a little over-excited with things going wrong, but they worked out for me.

I'll post back once I skate on them Saturday for those that might be interested.

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