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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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taping the top of the shaft...

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if you have a grip stick, do you even need to do that? i mean, the grip should help keep it in your hand, so taping it would seem redundant, only benefit might be the knob if the stick falls, but i always tend to pull my hand out of my glove to pick up my stick anyway....does anyone here play without a taped shaft?

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Just tape a little short butt end to it. Not only does the enlarged grip at the top of the stick help you pick it up when it falls but the end of a shaft without the little "knob" can fit through openings in some cages. Besides, you dont wanna take your glove off on the middle of the ice to pick up your stick.

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Last year I had the X:60 grip version which was rather sticky. So I just wrapped a ring around the top of my twig, but no knob or tape going downwards. I was using the Rbk 9k gloves. But now, I just use a non-grip but tape a small knob.

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