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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer One95 Vs. Warrior AK 2 Piece Combo

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Recently , my One 95 seams to be showing a lot of wear, and I think its time for a new stick. Should I get an AK 2 piece , as I recently had an AK stick and it felt decent. Or should I look to get my hands on another One 95. What are the pros and cons of both stick ?

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I prefer the one95 blade to the AK27. To me, it has better feel and a little more pop than the AK27 (both used in RLXN10 shafts, the one95 was even in a much older shaft - same flex). The one95 blades are durable as hell, although I've gotten great durability from warrior blades. I liked the Gold AK shafts I had a while ago, but not quite as much as RLXN10's, Z-Bubs or TriCores. I'd pay full price for the Gold AK27 shaft again if the others weren't available. The "crushed velvet" grip on the more recent AK27 I had (black/silver) was junk - worst grip of any shaft I've used. IMO, their nipple grip was better, but still wore out. I wouldn't buy the grip version of another Warrior stick.

I can't comment on the one95 shaft, as I've never used one.

To me, it seems like you'd be choosing between two pretty nice options.

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i have both the one 95 shaft, 0ne 95 head, ak shaft and ak head. i have used all combinations and currently both shafts have one 95 heads as i just feel its a better head than the ak (which are now spares). in terms of which stick i use, generally i use the one95 more when i know i will be slap shotting, as i just get better power with it, but again thats personal preference. they both seem great generally on the wrist shots.

durability on both shafts has been excellent, as both are now a year old and no issues playing 2-3 times a week alternating between them. for the heads, the aks chipped up far more than the one95s and have seen half the use.

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I use an AK27 Shaft (Grip) with a wooden blade. I love it. the only complaint i have is that the grip peels off insanely easily. other than that, it is a perfect shaft.

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