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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Minnesota Hockey League - mixed level no bullSh@t

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We have put together a mixed level friendly officiated hockey league in the Twin Cities.

Full details are here



This is a friendly mixed level hockey league. Players of all levels are welcome. The goal is to have a friendly no BS atmosphere and for players of all levels to be able to skate together. After each 11 week season teams will be reshuffled so we all get to play together. All 4 teams in each division play at the same time, same location. So after each game all 50+ players can hang out and socialize.

$165 for 11 game season

Let me know if you have any questions. Also if anyone is interested in doing a league in other cities let me know. We are working on the same concept in several other metro areas.

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We have put together a mixed level friendly officiated hockey league in the Twin Cities.

Full details are here



This is a friendly mixed level hockey league. Players of all levels are welcome. The goal is to have a friendly no BS atmosphere and for players of all levels to be able to skate together. After each 11 week season teams will be reshuffled so we all get to play together. All 4 teams in each division play at the same time, same location. So after each game all 50+ players can hang out and socialize.

$165 for 11 game season

Let me know if you have any questions. Also if anyone is interested in doing a league in other cities let me know. We are working on the same concept in several other metro areas.

That looks pretty neat. I am playing D1 AHA, but I live close to the Super Rink and therefore Fogarty. I might have to check it out!

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That looks pretty neat. I am playing D1 AHA, but I live close to the Super Rink and therefore Fogarty. I might have to check it out!

Its been cool so far. Our first season is just about to wrap up. Its expanded into the 4 divisions starting the first week of January.

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