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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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reebok 11k skates

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Great thanks for the info vrsixin, I ended up going with them as they were the most comfortable at the shop, and got them for a really good price online ($350+shipping bnib). Will let you guys know if any issues flare up. I'll try to not bake them to see if durability improves. Either way these should be way better than my ancient one90s with broken holders. :) Cheers!

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I have been in 11ks for a few years. I have used them bi-weekly for about 7-8 months a year. The instep of my right skate started to crack just a little bit. It's a very faint crack, and I can barely feel it when I run my finer over it. I'm wondering if anyone has had bigger issues with their 11ks that started this way, or if I would be wise to just leave it alone. There is no change at all in the skate's performance. They still feel and perform great. I feel like I could get at least another season out of them with proper care, unless this is the start of a bigger issue.

I was thinking of putting a tiny coat of JB Weld over the crack, or maybe using a little epoxy. Thoughts/Experiences?

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i have a crack in the main Reebok logo on my 11ks, and there's one that's running up the area where the lace section meets the boot. tough to describe, but i'll put a picture up when i can.

seems like cracks are common on these?

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