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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anybody know this bag?

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I'm in need of a new bag, and I saw a Warrior Mac Daddy bag in passing today which I keep thinking about. It looked great. Now, when I search for more information, I can only find this drawing or the Mac Daddy Funk Off bag (not the one I saw). The one I saw seemed to have skate pockets on the side (perhaps recessed a little into the bag) and large end pockets. Do any of you guys know if the one in this drawn image meets my description? Thanks.

Mac Daddy Bag

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I'm in need of a new bag, and I saw a Warrior Mac Daddy bag in passing today which I keep thinking about. It looked great. Now, when I search for more information, I can only find this drawing or the Mac Daddy Funk Off bag (not the one I saw). The one I saw seemed to have skate pockets on the side (perhaps recessed a little into the bag) and large end pockets. Do any of you guys know if the one in this drawn image meets my description? Thanks.

Mac Daddy Bag

No, the MacDaddy bag uses end pockets for the skates. I was able to fit both skates in one pocket as they are large (not sure though with the funk off fan)and then the other for jock, towel, jersey, etc. The side pocket is shallow - for tape, etc. There is also a shallow pocket on the top of the bag for some undergarments.

Its a well constructed bag, lots of pockets but it is heavy. Also, the main compartment is a bit tight for a bag that size. I like my new Easton EQ4 better but it's not as durable

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