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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Kronik nipple grip '10 jr thoughts

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My son is a tier I Peewee and have just settled into a flatter lie thanks to you folks and has found great success, thanks! My question is simple, I have found great deal on the Kronik stick with all his specs, but have not found any reviews or feedback! You guys have not failed me yet! Thanks

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My son is a tier I Peewee and have just settled into a flatter lie thanks to you folks and has found great success, thanks! My question is simple, I have found great deal on the Kronik stick with all his specs, but have not found any reviews or feedback! You guys have not failed me yet! Thanks

I realise this is not necessarily what you want to hear, but I personally (me, you can of course do what you want) would give my kids only wood sticks.

Not until they master wood can they use the flexibility and weightlessness of composite sticks.

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I don't know if it was bad luck for me but my INT Kronik '10 broke near the blade after 4 games. Warranty replacement has held up quite well, tho I've changed to different sticks (Latest dolomite DD) because I didn't like the feel of the kronik.

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My 10 year old (plays AAA) has used a Kronik for most of this season. Stick is very lively, seems to have more flex than similarly flex rated sticks (the jr sticks are all flex-rated at around 50...this seems to have very little meaning) . It also has been very durable.

That being said, santa gave him a totalone, and he really likes that stick. It seems to offer him as hard a slapshot, but it is much better for receiving hard passes. The puck just seems to stick to the blade no matter how hard I pass to him.

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