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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tape on Shaft?

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Hi, I just got a new stick and Im experimenting with it and i was wondering if puttting tape on like the middle of the shaft where I put my bottom hand will do anything?? Thank you.

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If you like the extra grip, try using the candy-cane method (I think that's what they call it). Just below where you tape the top of your shaft, spiral tape almost to the end of the shaft. You have probably seen people do it, it adds grip. I do it and can't play without it.

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If you like the extra grip, try using the candy-cane method (I think that's what they call it). Just below where you tape the top of your shaft, spiral tape almost to the end of the shaft. You have probably seen people do it, it adds grip. I do it and can't play without it.

Will it slow down my hands when i need to slide them down for a slaapper?

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If you like the extra grip, try using the candy-cane method (I think that's what they call it). Just below where you tape the top of your shaft, spiral tape almost to the end of the shaft. You have probably seen people do it, it adds grip. I do it and can't play without it.

Will it slow down my hands when i need to slide them down for a slaapper?

Try it out and see. Personal preference.

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Not really. Of course you have to lessen your grip when you are moving your hand. You really get used it. I highly recommend you try this method, it definately helped my game.

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I messed around with the whole "candy cane" thing before but I just prefer a stick with grip on it. My Vapor XV has really nice grip. Enough to be noticable but not so much where it makes it hard to slide your hand on.

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