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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where can i find this?

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I saw this training tool that was a belt with bungee cords that hung down the back of your legs and attached to your ankle, pulling your butt down and making it hard to extend your legs. Does anyone know what this thing is called and where i could find one?

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I saw this training tool that was a belt with bungee cords that hung down the back of your legs and attached to your ankle, pulling your butt down and making it hard to extend your legs. Does anyone know what this thing is called and where i could find one?

Is it a weight belt that you put when you skate to make you skate with the knee bend. Because a lot of russians use to to train their skating with a weight belt.

Anyway, I don't know if we're talking about the same thing...

Let me know...

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its actually to wear wven youre skating, so it would be different from squats, and im asking for a friend of mine who wants help with his knee bend.

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it kind of looks like that but instead of wrapping aorund your thighs it goes around your ankles and its not weighted and the cords stretch.

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