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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth S19 vs Widow

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In the market for a new high end stick, used the vapors for a long time, went to warrior, but not crazy about the dolomite. Looking for a light stick with better response. Any thoughts on a direction i should take? Thinking about this new widdow stick or maybe trying out the stealth s19. Maybe the Bauer supreme totalone too. Thoughts?

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The Dagger technology on the Widow allows for a flex point higher on the stick, similar to the Easton Synergy ST and the Bauer Supreme sticks. The hosel area will flex more than the S19. If you're looking to load a stick than the Widow may be an option. I personally like the Easton sticks that come with a Kevlar wrap on the shaft, I have a better feel because the Kevlar dampens more negative vibrations. Try the EQ50 with the Focus Weight Technology, the stick is made to have a good balance and comes with Kevlar wrap on shaft.

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got my hands on the s19 today, pretty nice, but i think i'm actually feeling the Bauer supreme totalone. Just felt better in my hands. Hard to explain just a different feel.

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