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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Same skates, new pain

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Wearing 2007 model RBk 9k's. The last few skates, my feet are really sore. Right is definitely worse than left although left hurts too. Pain is at/under the arches. I am not tying them any tighter than I ever have before.

I've got Shock Doctor insoles...could it be just as simple as those need replacing? The skate intself is still solid....not breakdown to speak of.

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It sounds like you do not have the right skates for your foot shape.

In general, that type of pain is caused by incorrect arch support or incorrect boot depth (which requires you to over-tighten laces over the instep of your foot). My recollection is that RBKs are relatively flat, so if you have a larger arch you may need a high arch insole. Another possibility is the boot has too much volume and in order to get it snug you have to lace it down too tight focusing too much pressure on the top of the arch of your foot. If the problem is arch support, an insole that matches your arch better may help. If the problem is boot depth then it may work to wrap under under the arch of your foot to make your foot "fatter" so that it fills the boot and pressure is distributed more evenly. It may also be a combination of both factors. I would also try putting back the stock insoles and see if they are better. If your feet are flatter it may be the shock doctors have too much arch. The first key step is identifying if the arch is too high / too low, if the boot volume is too high / too low, or both.

In my case, my left foot is bigger than my right so I often wrap a bit of ace bandage over/under the arch of my right foot to deal with the boot volume issue (too much boot volume for my foot) and it makes a huge difference for me. My left foot is just fine as-is with no adjustments.

If insoles / wrapping your foot / using a lace bite pad don't help, you might want to try other skates to see if you can find some that match your foot shape more closely.

Wearing 2007 model RBk 9k's. The last few skates, my feet are really sore. Right is definitely worse than left although left hurts too. Pain is at/under the arches. I am not tying them any tighter than I ever have before.

I've got Shock Doctor insoles...could it be just as simple as those need replacing? The skate intself is still solid....not breakdown to speak of.

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Wearing 2007 model RBk 9k's. The last few skates, my feet are really sore. Right is definitely worse than left although left hurts too. Pain is at/under the arches. I am not tying them any tighter than I ever have before.

I've got Shock Doctor insoles...could it be just as simple as those need replacing? The skate intself is still solid....not breakdown to speak of.

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Ya know what...that just might be it. I've been wearing my Blundstone Boots pretty much all winter, totally different insole/support than running shoes. I should try wearing running shoes next time I play...see if that helps.

Thanks. I didn't see that thread the first time I searched.

sarmalidu: I don't think it is a fit issue...as I said, I've been wearing these skates for a few years...and the pain is a new development. No complaints until recently.

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