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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A/B Players needed for Boston area summer league

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Hey all, a buddy and I are getting a team together for a summer hockey league in Walpole, MA at Iorio Arena. We are looking for guys or gals who can play at a high B or A level. The season starts May 2nd, and we will play on either Tuesday or Wednesday nights. Games generally, from years past, go between 7:30-10:30 start times. The cost per player is $320, and includes 17 regular season games and playoffs. We have a set of jerseys we will be loaning out for the year. This team is usually a great group of guys and (a) lady, and we've had a bunch of fun with it in the past. If you're interested, please either email myself ( mgrieci AT gmail.com) or the guy running the team (nathanael.oram At emc.com).

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