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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hi everyone,

I've been using a Nike Bauer One95 for almost 2 years and the heel is starting to chip away. I mostly take snap shots and just dangle as I am forward but do practice my slappers/one timers once in a while as well. I've had lots of sticks in the past and prior to the one95 broke 2 vapor xxxx and countless eastons. I was recently at sportchek and they have S17s for sale at 129, synergy elites for 149 and there is this red/orange ccm u+ for 129 (not to up todate with ccms stuff), which one would you guys recommend? I'm leaning towards the S17 because of its price as it was once the top stick for easton and shouldnt be too bad, but had bad experiences with the classic synergy and synergy sl and original stealth. Aside from those, are their any sticks you know of on clearnace that are between 120-150 that are decent? Major tournament in about 3 weeks so any help will be great!

I weigh 165 at 5'9 and use a 77 flex one 95, lots of whip... elite, s17, or that ccm?


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Elite was a great stick IMO, and the s17s seemed less durable to me. They kicked hard and had decent feel, something the s17 lacked.

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if the CCM is the U+ pro, i can say i had that one from sportchek, i loved it, it kicked super hard, had a great snap, then broke after 4 ice times, i no longer love it

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I just bought a CCM U+pro from National Sports for $99. Used it a couple times now and its pretty sweet. Hmmm I hope I get more than 4 times..Got the Tavares model(they also had Ovie's).

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you won't get an S17 Senior in 75 flex, you'll have to look into their INT models for a 65...but I don't think the INT models are on sale at Sportchek

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