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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vaughn V4 7600 sizing

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Hey, I'm thinking of switching from my Reebok PS3 pads to a set of Vaughn V4 7600s as they should fit my hybrid style better. I'm currently using 34+1 but I know that Vaughns are famous for shrinking a couple inches over time. I've heard that the new V4 should be less likely to do this. Would it be a good idea for me to stick with 34+1 or am I better off going with something like a 35+2?


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Hey, I'm thinking of switching from my Reebok PS3 pads to a set of Vaughn V4 7600s as they should fit my hybrid style better. I'm currently using 34+1 but I know that Vaughns are famous for shrinking a couple inches over time. I've heard that the new V4 should be less likely to do this. Would it be a good idea for me to stick with 34+1 or am I better off going with something like a 35+2?


I've just been playing in a set of V4's (previously used a 34+3 V3 and 34+2 RBK). I find the lander to be even shorter from V4 to V3. Of course your best bet is to go into an LHS and check the pad personally, but I've found that the V4 35" is about on par with a RBK 33", taking into account the shrinkage over time as well. Just my personal experience.

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I think you'll find the 35+2 a little too big. I used to be a 34+1 in all my pads and I found that to be too small. Now i'm in 35+2s in V3s but they are extremely broken in. On top of that, I'm still finding that the thigh rise is a little too much at times. I'd go with 34+2 but like SWhaley said, go to a LHS. It'll be a more accurate measure

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