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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder pad recommendation?

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Hey all, while I sit and wait for these...


...Bauer 8000 Defender pads to hit eBay I need a different pair for playing beer league.

Currently I use Bauer Flak 15s which are nice and light but I want something more protective. Since I have little offensive talent my game is a little on the rough side, I go into corners (on both offense and defense), stand in front of the net and get the crap kicked out of me and lay down to block shots. I was looking at two older model Bauer pads.

The 5000:


And the Vapor 10:


Both of these pads were out the last time I played a lot but since I had the Defenders I did not get them. I know the Vapor 10 is a pro level pads but the only thing I am wary about is the lack of abdominal protection and since I've taken a slap shot in the stomach, I know how much it hurts. The downside to the 5000 is that I seem to remember a chief complaint being that they are heavy. I am 5'11", 220 wide wide shoulder so the huge caps don't bother me. Since both predate Nike/Bauer I have been unable to find reviews online, except for the 5000 review on this site.

So I am looking for the opinions of people who have worn these pads in the past, or maybe still now. Ideally I would prefer someone who has worn them both. Also, could you please indicate the level you played in them?


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I rekon you should try the Bauer lightspeed pro's? I had Vapor 10's that had died so bought some of these off ebay a few months back after reading good reviews on them here....they're awesome, similar design to the vapor 10's but somewhat beefed up in the right places, very as comfortable, mobile, not too massive looking either. Good balance all round I found, relatively simple design, good quality materials and nicely made too - great pads highly recommended for what u seem to be looking for.

Now I did see a pair of these on ebay a few days ago it was an Med had a look today and the auction has since ended no bids so possibly could still get it if u were interested in em link is


Note these are not mine and i have no association with the seller its just they're the only pair of these babies i found on ebay and it appears u want a set asap?

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