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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speed Demon

Links to Hockey Leagues

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I am looking for links to websites in English that provide stats, standings etc. for:

Russian Super League

and any other League that has NHL players in it, except for the Swedish Elite League.

Swedish Elite League = www.eliteprospects.com

Thanks :D

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A few English language sites I know of (can't seem to find any English language sites covering Finland, Switzerland or the Czech Republic for example):

Swedish hockey



Russian hockey



German hockey


European hockey in general


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European hockey in general


I was looking around on that site and it didn't really provide any standings or scoring leaders, or perhaps I was navigating around wrong?

Petey thanks so much for the Russian site and othes.

Sure there are standings and stuff on that site too, click on "Leagues" and find the league you wanna see, then "Select". It's a bit hard to navigate that site but it has lots of interesting info once you get used to it. And it's probably not as detailed as the league specific sites, but it's still useful.

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