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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Broken Goalie

Goalie Gear help

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Hey folks, i'm trying to upgrade what I wear underneath my gear. I'm currently playing in sweatpants, but i'm finding them too bulky. I'm curious if anyone knows what Carey Proce wears? They look like a cross between hockey socks and track pants (usually in the road whites). Maybe i'm just crazy though, and maybe he wears normal hockey socks...but any help would be appreciated.


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it's probably the Reebok under armour stuff. I use a cheap knock off of UA that i got from Target last winter. I believe it was like $45 for long pants and long sleeve shirt.

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What I like the best are the cheap $5 Starter brand under pants sold at Walmart. They are sold in the socks/underwear section were you would find thermal underwear. Light weight and some moisture wicking properties. I love under armor but I hate their prices. I've also purchased compression pants off Ebay for around $13 a pair but I still like the Starter stuff the best.

it's probably the Reebok under armour stuff. I use a cheap knock off of UA that i got from Target last winter. I believe it was like $45 for long pants and long sleeve shirt.

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Just to be clear, NHL goalies are required by Rule 9.1 to wear team socks (called 'stockings' in the rules): no exceptions. Price is wearing socks over something else.

Whether it's compression or loose, who knows. If you look through enough of Getty or post-game interviews, you may be able to see how they fit his legs, but that seems like a bit much. It's also remotely possible that he has had the socks sewn directly onto the pants by his equipment manager, but that seems unlikely unless he has a horror of clear tape and garter belts, and even with that as a given, it would make wearing knee-pads under his socks unbelievably annoying.

The only drawback to most low-end compression gear is that the cup-pockets suck, or are non-existent. If you're wearing your base cup in a jock-strap, however, that's not an issue. Generally speaking a jock-strap under compression pants is best, but I do like the convenience of having the cup pocket built into my Shock Doctor pants.

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I don't know offhand, and I can't find a good shot of the back of his legs in a cursory search, but my guess is that the socks are probably being largely covered up by the leg-channel/lateral calf-wrap of his pads.

It is sometimes possible to find a shot from a practice that shows an NHL goalie not wearing team socks, in the same way that they have different gloves (and sometimes pads, pants and C/As) for practices and for games, but if you do see Niemi not wearing team socks in a game, hope that nobody on the opposing team does.

It seems like a pretty even split between compression and loose-fit underclothes these days.

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That is bizarre. The NHL must not be enforcing that rule as stringently as they were after the lockout. It may also be that Price can get away with it because of the white leg-channel on his pads: just a thought.

The only pair of white compression pants I've seen recently is the WSI Catcher's Jock, but I'm sure there are more out there without built-in cup pockets. It's also possible that's some sort of 'shin sleeve' that has gone over the lower part of his leg, but it doesn't look that way.

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