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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone found an economical source for iron on lettering for jersey's? My son wants his name on the back of his practice jersey (and I wouldn't mind doing it either) but am having trouble finding a vendor who I trust and is reasonable with price..$1 for a 3" letter seems like gouging..

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Could try dollar stores or craft stores (Michaels isn't one of the cheapest craft places but they sometimes have a good coupon in their flyer).

These sometimes have iron on letters in a little kit with the whole alphabet plus some extras.

Probably not as good as the vinyl heat seal ones done on a heat press, but I think they would be good enough for a practice jersey.

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Well, I did a bunch of research on this and actually found that the most economical route is to go through Hockey Giant. I was able to get a nice Practice Jersey with the number and lettering of my choice for ~$20..whereas the cheapest I was able to find letters were about $1 each for the small and $2 each for the large. It probably would work out to be about the same price, but given that I decided to leave the positioning and application of the letters in the hands of a pro so it looked right..I would highly recommend going this route if you desired a customized pracice jersey..

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