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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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boot and pitch

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i have sprungs on a torspo boot.. im looking for more forward pitch so i was wondering if i change the boot, will it do the trick or use lifts bc the boots are all the same?

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i have sprungs on a torspo boot.. im looking for more forward pitch so i was wondering if i change the boot, will it do the trick or use lifts bc the boots are all the same?

I'd go with some heel lifts. Should be much less work. Plus, if you like the fit & comfort of your current boots, it won't change. I will say that when I added heel lifts to my setup it took a couple sessions for my legs to get used to them, but I'd never go back now. When I calculated how much lift to add to my skates I actually measured the blade holders & steel that I took off my skates & added 1/4" heel lifts to match the pitch on them.

Here is my post in the sprung thread (w/ pics) after I added the lifts to my skates.

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I'd go with some heel lifts. Should be much less work. Plus, if you like the fit & comfort of your current boots, it won't change. I will say that when I added heel lifts to my setup it took a couple sessions for my legs to get used to them, but I'd never go back now. When I calculated how much lift to add to my skates I actually measured the blade holders & steel that I took off my skates & added 1/4" heel lifts to match the pitch on them.

Here is my post in the sprung thread (w/ pics) after I added the lifts to my skates.

cool thanks bro.. so a lhs should be able to do that?

cool thanks bro.. so a lhs should be able to do that?

wow i thought vapors would have the pitch already

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cool thanks bro.. so a lhs should be able to do that?

I did mine myself, but any LHS worth their salt should be able to it for a reasonable amount of money.

wow i thought vapors would have the pitch already

The Vapors do have more natural pitch than the sprung frames, the problem is that the frame "flattens" the sole of the boot when it's mounted. Adding the heel lift basically brought it back to it's normal pitch.

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