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Unable to close legs

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No, this isn't a porn thread :P

After getting my Smith 6000s, I found myself unable to close the top of the pads together when going into a butterfly. No matter what I did, without some serious erm, clenching, could I get them to barely touch. I tried new pants (went from Vaughns to Reebok 9Ks medium as the Vaunghns were becoming de-stitched and too small) and that didn't work. I then tried removing the cup (not during a game!) and seeing what happens and sure enough, I'm able to close my legs just fine. I can show pictures tonight when I get home. I have a Vaughn 8800 Epic double cup. Any suggestions?

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Were you able to do so with your old pads? Are the specs the same? Maybe have to adjust the thigh rise a little more on your next set to accommodate the cup.

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Odds are some peculiar interaction of the pants and pads is causing the cup to slip down and jam between your upper thighs. The elastic straps on the Epic jock are notoriously long and loose, and do lose their elasticity pretty quickly. Try tightening up or replacing the waist and leg elastics on the jock.

My guess is that the jock is riding lower than it used to because of this gradual slackening, and the thinner thigh-rise of the Smith pads is letting your pants sit a little looser across your thighs in the butterfly, so the jock isn't being held in place by the pants quite as much as it did previously. Combine that with larger pants that fit loose through the thigh and hip (your new Reeboks), and it starts to make sense.

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Well, here's an observation that I just made:

When I ordered the pads, my ATK I gave Pete was 18" and the rise was 9". This was with my bare knee. When I put on my knee pads, I find my ATK now is 20/21". When I find myself going into a butterfly, my knees are overshooting the landing gear about half the time, and not to mention unable to close the tops of my pads in a butterfly. I feel as if I had taken into account the knee pads (which I didnt have at the time of ordering) additional height, that the landing gear would be higher, I would hit it and subsequently, I would be able to close my pads properly in a butterfly. Now that Smith is no longer in business, this sucks that I can't get any extreme modifications done to them to resize them....or can I? What are your guys thoughts?

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