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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hitting in European minor hockey

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Hey, first time posting outside of the the gear section. My dad and I were having a discussion about hitting in minor hockey and when it should start. He brought up a point about minor hockey in Europe and he thinks that they start hitting in later age groups. Personally, I have no idea when they start hitting in Europe. I was hoping someone here knew the age group in which they introduce hitting.

Thanks in advance for the help.

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I lived and played in Germany when I was 11-13 and there was hitting at that level. Unless it's changed in the last 13 years there was no age limit on checking, at least in Germany.

I lived and played in Germany when I was 11-13 and there was hitting at that level. Unless it's changed in the last 13 years there was no age limit on checking, at least in Germany.

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