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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate advice, sizing issues

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Hey Mods, I am stuck wondering what skate to get my GF?

I just bought her a pair of 705's that she has used 10 times and can't stand them for one more skate. We have punched them out, baked them, tried everything and they still don't fit.

She is comming out of a pair of 8090's that were a bit too wide and causing her foot to move.

My thought was to try something in the supreme line as she wants the ankle support of the higher boot but needs something that is not too narrow.

Any suggestions? She is 5'10 , 130lbs and is on the ice year round about twice a week.

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You need to have her fitted properly, speculation is only going to end her up in another ill-fitting skate.

What should they be looking at when fitting besides width and length of her foot? Is there anything else they can measure?

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Other than length and maybe width with the Brannock, there isn't much else you can take 'measurements' from. Another dimension you should be looking at is depth of the foot. If a person has a deep foot (diagonal dimension from the heel to the...front tendon (?)of the foot) and are put into a shallow skate like Vapors, they could experience lacebite and pain on the front of their ankle area.

Each skate fits differently of course, if she has 'wide' feet, putting her in naturally narrow Vapors (even in EE width) might not solve the issue. Looking at something wider like Stealths or Supremes would be the next thought process.

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Other than length and maybe width with the Brannock, there isn't much else you can take 'measurements' from. Another dimension you should be looking at is depth of the foot. If a person has a deep foot (diagonal dimension from the heel to the...front tendon (?)of the foot) and are put into a shallow skate like Vapors, they could experience lacebite and pain on the front of their ankle area.

Each skate fits differently of course, if she has 'wide' feet, putting her in naturally narrow Vapors (even in EE width) might not solve the issue. Looking at something wider like Stealths or Supremes would be the next thought process.

Thanks for the advice ! I was thining Supreme also

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